NLP Behavioral Consultants of NJ and FL Executive Coaching is a premier firm dedicated to providing specialized services in strategic corporate assessment, executive education, and leadership development programs. With a rich history spanning over thirty years, we have amassed extensive consulting experience across various sectors, including State and Federal Agencies, Medical Facilities, and Fortune 500 companies.
NLP Behavioral Consultants recognize the paramount importance of interpersonal communication and leadership prowess in driving organizational success. Therefore, each of our meticulously crafted programs is geared towards enhancing these crucial skills while fostering overall performance improvement.
Our approach lies in customization. Every organization is unique, with its own set of challenges and aspirations. Thus, we tailor interventions to suit the specific needs and objectives of our clients. One key tool in our arsenal is the 360-degree feedback instrument, which enables us to gain comprehensive insights into organizational dynamics and developmental areas.
With the findings from this assessment we collaborate closely with our clients to design high-impact programs. These programs address identified gaps and equip management teams with the requisite capabilities to pursue strategic objectives effectively. Whether it's refining leadership acumen, fostering effective team dynamics, or cultivating a culture of innovation, our programs are meticulously curated to deliver tangible and sustainable results.
NLP Behavioral Consultants are committed to empowering organizations and their leaders to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape. With our proven methodologies, seasoned consultants, and unwavering dedication to client success, we stand ready to partner with you on your journey toward excellence.
To set up an appointment: Call 732-276-7500 or email
Michael Lofrano, CEO
NLPBC Training and Coaching
Business Skill Inventory
Have you ever observed two people in a heated debate over an issue on which they disagree?
Can you remember having an “uncomfortable” feeling around a certain person for no apparent reason?
Do you know why you can work so well with some people, while with others it’s a struggle?
Have you ever wondered why you can easily close a deal with one client and yet be unable to make a dent in a nearly identical account? Could there be a break down in communication?
It’s quite easy to explain this. The problem is miscommunication.
If you can match communication styles, you quickly establish trust and rapport. If you can't you... <READ MORE>
Conflict Resolution, Mismatching Body Language
Individuals don't need to be “fixed”; they need to expand their behavioral flexibility and develop skills in responding to situations.
The individual's current behavior isn't “wrong”; it is appropriate in some context and should be restricted to that context. Success is accomplished through having the flexibility to choose alternative behaviors to use in the appropriate context.
The individual is rarely solely responsible for the “problem”; there are usually systemic/organizational factors which need to be examined and addressed.
Values & Motivational Typology™ is utilized as an objective and scientific approach for doing self-assessment and as a feedback instrument for measuring results.
The Assessment Tools help us better understand the scope and importance of the “Core” issues involved in the coaching engagement.
Help the individual understand how s/he is perceived by others, and how s/he might
increase her/his effectiveness.
Provide the basis for creating and implementing an “individual coaching plan”.
Provide the basis for measuring the effectiveness of the coaching engagement.
Executive Coaching with Assessment Tools
The individual wants to increase his/her flexibility.
The individual understands the importance of increasing his/her flexibility in dealing with management/interpersonal situations.
The individual's manager supports the coaching process, and is willing to provide ongoing coaching after the engagement is completed.
The Human Resources/Personnel manager supports the coaching process, and is willing to help identify and address organizational/personnel core issues which will impact the individual's ability to successfully change his/her behavior.